
NO,11 the audacity of hope

○blind やみくもな 盲目的な
I was blinded in one eye in an accident.

○willful  故意に 意図的な
willfully spred a disease

○naval 海軍の
He is naval aviator.

○defy ~に逆らう 挑みかかる
Tom was bold enough to defy his boss's order and cancelld an important business trip.

○odds 不平等 勝ち目
The odds are in your favor.

I'm sorry, I'm very very late.
so,the other day I saw watching TV, Obama president came to Japan
(last year story....)
I think it would be wonderful! so there were in a more friendly state.
I want to meet a president!

1 件のコメント:

  1. You're reading Obama's book, right? You should type in the publisher and date of publication too.
