
No,5 The Audacity of Hope

rig  装備・備える
rig out the barn for the storm. 嵐に備えて納屋を補強する。

sigh up 加わる ~と契約する
I sighed up for swimming lessons. 私は水泳のレッスンを受ける契約をした。

raise 上げる 育てる
Laise a large family. たくさんの子どもを育てる。

They would give an african name, Barack,or "blessed" believing that in a tolerant America your name is no barrier to success.

↑I don't understand this sentense.
after,I read japanese translation. but it is difficult for me the Expression.

[オバマ演説集] 「CNN English Express」 P24

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  2. sorry,I'm late.

    this book publish:朝日出版社
    first date:25 Novemer 2008
    editer:CNN English Express
